No participation of Russia, Belarus, or Iran at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

It is grotesque to invite Russia to a festive gathering while they are simultaneously engaged in an ongoing, unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine. Not only has Russia initiated the war, but they are also attempting to erase the Ukrainian people's historical and cultural identity, and they are deliberately targeting the civilian population on a daily basis. Dissenting voices or opposition in Russia are silenced through threats, imprisonment, and even murder.

Belarus, through its support and facilitation of Russia's transgressions, has made itself complicit in the abuses, in addition to its own systematic oppression of political opposition at home.

Iran has institutionalized the use of terror, abuse, and fear against any opposition within its own population.

If these countries wish to celebrate peace-making efforts and participate in promoting dialogue in the international community, they can start by withdrawing from the armed conflicts they themselves are responsible for, and by ceasing gross human rights violations against their own populations.

As with confronting Nazism, a peace on these nations' terms is worse than war.

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