NEW Planning Application - Sandown Park - 108 units
Application to build a residential and nursing care community in the fields between the bottom of Sandown Park and Blackhurst Lane
An application has been submitted to TWBC to build a residential and nursing care community at the end of Sandown Park.
The 108 units of accommodation (rising to 3 storeys) and 142 parking spaces will cover the fields on both sides of the footpath that joins Sandown Park to Blackhurst Lane, which is part of the Green Belt between Tunbridge Wells and Pembury.
In addition, it is anticipated there will be 50 full time employees on the site. IF you care about protecting the Green Belt, and stopping further encroachment in the future, please OBJECT TO THIS PLANNING APPLICATION!
IF you don’t want to live on a building site with lorries pounding past your house for the next two years (both Sandown Park and Blackhurst Lane are to be used by construction traffic), OBJECT TO THIS PLANNING APPLICATION!
IF you dislike the idea of a permanent huge increase in traffic along Sandown Park and Blackhurst Lane, and at the junction of Blackhurst Lane with Pembury Road, OBJECT TO THIS PLANNING APPLICATION!
IF you have other reasons to object, whether it be on the grounds of noise, loss of amenity, safety, light pollution, effect on wildlife or harm to the semi-rural environment that we all enjoy so much, OBJECT TO THIS PLANNING APPLICATION!
The residents of Malton Way have seen off unsuitable planning applications in the past by getting together and demonstrating the strength of objection. If every household in the Sandown Park/Blackhurst Lane estate and in fact anyone who wants to reject building on previously designated Green Belt sends an objection. The Council will be unable to ignore us.
If this application is approved it will result in irreversible damage to our semi-rural community. So please take a short moment of your time to sign this petition. The Council is requesting comments on this application no later than Friday, 17th July 2020.
You can view the application and make your objection at (search for 20/01506/OUT)
Stephanie McMahon Contact the author of the petition