“New Democratic Party” (sic) 


Neither New nor Democratic the “NDP” has become an abomination to those who cherish democracy as championed by Tommy Douglas & Dave Barrett. Orwellian in name and deed the “NDP” would do a service to British Columbians if it changed its name away from what increasingly looks like false advertising:

If “NDP” were a person it would be eligible for Old Age Security in 2026 and a long string of egregious actions shows it is now the opposite of Democratic.

-Thousands joined “NDP” to vote for an exciting leadership candidate with fresh ideas for a New direction: - the party disqualified Anjali Appadurai’s candidacy to coronate David Eby

-The 2017 election yielded a refreshing Orange-Green cooperative government. “NDP” quickly showed itself to be a bad faith partner placing neoliberal politics before honest collaboration.
John Hörgan broke the fixed election law he voted for AND the Confidence And Supply Agreement he signed with Greens to foist the 2020 pandemic snap election on BC, catching many off guard. Some ridings couldn’t field Green candidates in the tight timeline to register; canvassing, rallies and normal election functions curtailed by Bonnie Henry’s measures & recommendations.

-Dave Barrett’s NDP introduced Question Period and full Hansard transcripts to BC’s legislature: the current regime often invokes ‘closure’ to limit debate on legislation, so MLA’s often do not know they’re voting on, as is the case in what may be the most overtly totalitarian legislation in English, Bill 36.

-MLA’s are -supposed- to be available to their constituents: constuency offices mostly have a closed door policy: letters and emails go largely unanswered.

-Unprecedented use of militarized police against Wetsuweten land defenders and protestors trying to save a rare untouched watershed, Fairy Creek

Tommy Douglas famously opposed imposing the War Measures Act during the FLQ October crisis in 1970:
In February 2023 the BC “NDP” introduced a motion to condemn those rightfully rallying for their human rights to Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy (My Body My Choice)
All “NDP” members present supported this motion
-Abject unwillingness to engage with parents concerned about their children’s education. Though Gender Ideology has now been fully discredited in Britain, British Columbia’s “NDP” cast questioning and dissent of SOGI policy as Hate while the federal alliance government crafts legislation criminalizing Truth speech.

The above illustrates cavalier contempt for established democratic norms and could satisfy false advertising criteria.

Democracy is deeply endangered in Canada.
We need to stigmatize political deception wherever it’s found.

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