Nassau County, Increase Funding to Save NICE Bus from Service Cuts!!


We're NICE Bus Riders of fixed-route buses and Able-Ride Paratransit calling an elected officials in Long Island, New York City, and New York State Gov Cuomo, Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano to increase funding for NICE Bus or otherwise dozens of low-ridership buses will be cut as of January 1st, 2016.

If elected officials don't take action, possibly January 1st, 2016, Nassau County Bus Transit Committee which oversees NICE Bus operation is proposing to discontinue following bus routes:

n14- Rockville Cetre Loop- elimination

n17- Hempstead-Rockville Cetre via Mercy's Hospital- elimination

n19: Freeport-Babylon. Elimination between Sunrise Mall and Babylon Station.

n46- Elimination

n50- Hicksville-Bellmore- elimination

n62 South Freeport Loop- Both Loops elimination

n80- Hicksville-Sunrise Mal- elimination

If service cuts happens on NICE Bus fixed-route, NICE Bus Able-Ride paratransit service will be impacted as well since Able-Ride paratransit are only allowed to serve 3 and 1/4 miles of fixed route buses.

Instead of cutting bus service, Nassau County and NICE Bus should use small bus fleets on low ridership buses since Veolia has lots of small bus fleets in other states.


NICE Bus also needs to bring back maintence workers at both depot at Mitchel Field and Rockville Cetre Depots because lots of bus riders are impacted by majority of breakdown on bus service due to lack of maintence, which forces missing buses and depends on day, some riders could be waiting for an hour or two hours.


Please sign this petition to save these buses or there will be no eastern Nassau County Bus service.

Nassau County NICE Bus fixed-route and Able-Ride paratransits are major lifeline commute for passengers.

Without bus service, taxi ride along n50 and n80/81 bus route could be estimate from $40 to $50.

Thank you for your cooperation.

P. S. Disable communities will be impacted by service cut and so will be many business because there are lots of business workers and employees who commute by public bus and train.

Please contact your elected officials or attend Nassau County Legislature meeting on budget to increase funding for bus service.

All these buses serves schools, colleges, senior centers, disable communities, blind communities,  vet office, doctor's office, hospitals, medical center, public libraries and animal hospitals, and major shopping mall.



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Yuki Endo Long Island Bus Riders Union    Contact the author of the petition