Msunduzi Lack of Service Delivery


Good day Mr. Mzi Thebolla

The residents of the Northern Suburbs in Msunduzi request an urgent meeting with yourself and Senior Municipal Officials regarding the current electricity crisis facing the community. 


The current situation is unacceptable with continued power outages over and above the Eskom load shedding schedule. 


At the meeting the residents request a detailed report on the following with a further opportunity to raise questions:-


  • What is the current status of electricity supply? 
  • What are the challenges causing the outages? 
  • What plan if action is in place to deal with crisis, timeframes? 
  • What communication plan does the city have to keep residents informed of outages? 
  • Why is the turnaround time to rectify outages so slow, certain areas go for days without resolve? 
  • Damaged appliances, what mechanism does the city have in place for c laims, what is the expected turnaround time in dealing with these claims. 

Your co-operation in this regard would be appreciated within 7 days of the date on this petition. So as to comply with COVID-19 regulations we will ensure residents numbers are limited to comply with the allocated space of the Truro Hall in Northdale. 



Cllr. Lucky Naicker

Ward 28


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