More inpatient support for mental health

I am wanting more inpatient support available for people that present themselves at hospital in distress . At the moment the mental health are turning to many people away that require 24---48 or longer inpatient stays. The suicide rate is so high in this country. There is people crying out for support and getting turned away every time. People need a safe place. The criteria for inpatient admission is something that needs to be changed to accept people that are  not admitting they want to hurt someone even though the signs are quite clearly there. Also for people that have shown extreme self harm but aren't wanting to tell them they want to die. At the  moment this is what they expect to be told by people in great distress and most of the time that's impossible for the person to do. So mental health team just send them home. Not good enough. Parents and caregivers-police-the public are picking up the peices of our failing mental health support and it's not good enough. 

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