Melaine stoffels 26

Melaine stoffels 26 and also 2 months pregnant was hammered to death on the 07 august 2024.the horrifying crime took place at is alleged that an unknown man hammered her before throwing her lifeless body over a bridge and also da unknown guy was paid 500rand by a jealous ex girlfriend who is no where to be found. we need justice served because it's women month . it just seems as if da government protects killers but we will not be silents no parent should see they child at a mog or even burie a child this is very in south- Africa and you a women just know that we are never safe how many more women are children should die before da death penalty gets brought back what is this was your child,friend, niece, aunty are neighbour how would you feel our government needs to catch a wake up.LORD HEAR OUR CRYS # SAY HER NAME MEALINE STOFFELS#

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