Make Backstage Dog Friendly!

As someone who works in theatre, it is almost impossible to find daycare for my dog as we work such late hours, but also incredibly expensive. I've been bringing my dog Evie backstage at The Adelphi for the previous year, and there has been absolutely no issue. She either sleeps in the dressing room, or cuddles with an offstage member of the cast. She's hypoallergenic and is so well behaved.

It's become apparent that The Adelphi Theatre alongside other venues across the West End and the UK, are implementing or already have a no dogs allowed backstage policy.

Certain theatres such as The Apollo Victoria, The Prince Edward, The Prince of Wales, The Coliseum and The Dominion have proven that allowing dogs backstage is easily implemented without any issues. 

This Petition is a plea to all other WestEnd theatres and touring venues across the UK, that not allowing theatre workers to bring in their furry friends not only causes issues financially, but effects the mental wellbeing of our pets by being left alone at home constantly. After hearing of countless others that face the same issues, it's time to band together.

Most of us already work 6 days a week, including Sundays, Evenings and Bank Holidays. Please allow us to have a slice of 'normal' life by allowing our companions in our 'personal' spaces backstage, especially seeing as it causes no operational issue to theatres. Dogs are our friends. They boost company morale, and put a smile on everybody's face.  

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