Mafia 1 in Czech language in Czech voice acting

Hello I found out that Mafia 1 - CZECH GAME does not take place in the Czech Republic and there are the same incomprehensible Czech names. Do you like it ok? Not me! Mr. Vávra allowed himself and no one did anything about it. That's why I want to honor the whole Mafia so that it is correct in Czech!


They are writing this petition because I am outraged and I want to!

For Mafia 1 to take place in the Czech Republic (Especially in Brno or Prague)
To play Czech songs on the radio (Karel Gott, Michal David, Voldemort Matuška.)
In order for the characters in Mafia 1 to be named more in Czech, eg Tommy Angelo - Tomáš Anděl, Paulie - Pavlík, Don Salieri - Dad Salijéry and Sam - Samděj.
So that only good Czech beer or Becherovka is poured in all bars in Mafia 1
To name the cars, for example, Škoda Černý drak 4WD, Škoda Černý kov 4WD, Škoda Robertek z Milána 4WD, Škoda Škoda Screw Ace (Bolty is from Russian.) And Škoda Silver Arrow Dealer

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