Letter to MAP
Date: 14 of December 2016 To: Mr Michael Everette Deese,
Managing Director , My Advertising Pays Limited (Ltd.)
Company Number: 8927115
Court of Registration: The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales
Companies Act: The Companies Act 2006
Registered Address : Queen Court, 24 Queen Street, Manchester, England, M2 5HX
Member state: Great Britain
VAT ID Nr : GB 231289909
Company Type: Private Company Limited by Shares
Telephone Number: +44 (0) 20-717-51-MAP (627)
Email Address: legal@myadvertisingpays.com
Internet Address (URL): www.myadvertisingpays.com
Legal Counsel (USA): Hart & David LLP
Legal Counsel (USA) Address: 360 West Butterfield Road, Suite 325, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
Legal Counsel (USA) Telephone Nr.: +1 630-395-9496
Legal Counsel (USA) Facsimile Nr.: +1 630-395-9451
Dear Sir ;
Re : Consumers’ Rights and Contract
We hereby officially refer to you as Affiliate members of My Advertising Pays Ltd to express our concern about your lack of fulfillment of the contract between us and MAP, as well as the lack of respect for the British Commercial Law concerning consumers’ rights guarantees.
Indeed, we are extremely concerned about the performance and communication behaviours of My Advertising Pays Ltd over the last four months, as we do not see in them any clear indication neither a strong will to put the company back on the rail.
At the beginning of the crisis, you mentioned technical problems. We all believed in you for weeks until all of a sudden you changed your speech after the bankrupcy of Vx Gateway, one of youur two processors. You then evoked the impact of that bankrupcy as the main cause of MAP’s dysfunctioning which was already on for a year. You added that you were starting negotiations with Vx too redress the situation of MAP.
Honestly, we do not find any cause-and-effect link between the bankrupcy of your payment processor and the suspension of MAP’s financial activities. In fact, we believe that if you were willing you had the possibility of continuing your financial activities through your second payment processor (Solid Trust Pay) or through any other payment processor available on the market.
Whereas we need guarantees that our money will not be lost in this MAP-Vx saga, you relentlessly require us to keep on buying new credit packs and consuming advertisements to ensure traffic continuity on MAP in order for you to receive more and more advertisement contracts from companies.Such a behaviuour is a proof that you acknowledge the paramount role we play in your company, and yet you sink us in utter financial difficulties while at the same time you benefit from our activities as advertisements consumers.
We would like to remind you that we , as MAP affiliates are human beings and not robots which click on advertisements.In fact, behind each affiliate ID lies a human being, a family, a bank and credits contracts, which all suffer from the lack of fulfillment of your duties.We therefore require from you an action to remedy the situation in a reasonable time limit.
Finally, we would like to express to you our requests hoping you will address them in a frank and precise way before or during the launching of MAP 2.5 scheduled in UK on the 17th of December 2016 :
(1) Explain clearly to the affiliates the payment plan following the dissolution of VX Gateway.
(2) Give to members the right to a risk-free exit from MAP
(3) Explain clearly the continuity plan of MAP after the closure of VX Gateway ; and MAP’s plan vis-à-vis the Brexit when MAP stops operating in EU.
(4) Set up a Communication team within MAP for members.
(5) Answer in a precise and satisfactory way the requests of members without any communication strategy pretence.
(6) Set up an immediate payment plan for arrears and due payments, as MAP affiliates have used credits to invest in your company .
(7) Guarantee with immediacy to each member a monthly payment that will allow them to duly pay their monthly credit pay-back.
(8) Calculate and communicate to each affiliate the balance of their current account and allow the current affiliates who so wish to continue at MAP 2.5 with their money held in MAP2.0.
(9) Open the possibility for each member who so wishes to transfer their account to another person of their choice or to sell it to an eventual buyer.
Looking forward to a suitable reply, we wish success in your business and a fruitful customer relation service.
The undersigned :
See the list of petitioners.
FreeMapGroup Contact the author of the petition
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