Legalize Surrogacy in Singapore

Singapore birth rates decreases drastically all these years. There is a need to take action to help on birth rates and at the same time fulfil couple's wish who wanted a child of their own. The idea is to have surrogacy legalize in Singapore.

Couples who wanted one or more babies either are unable to conceive despite went through IVF a few times with failed result or unable to carry full term of the baby due to mother's medical condition. e.g. Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

HG is a life threathening disorder that might cause death to the mother and fetal. Hence, mother with HG might have risk of carry baby till delivery. 

By legalizing surrogacy in Singapore allow married couples (Non-LGBT) be able to have a baby of their own. Giving them another option to choose is a good thing since surrogate can have their own biological baby.

I sincerely wish and hope Singapore government can consider legalizing it and put in proper measure and policy. Involuntary childless couples will feel grateful to be given a chance to have a baby of their own.

Please seriously consider this approach to improve birth rates and help the involuntary childless community.

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