Keeping Jesper Dahl Jensen as a teacher / Beholdelse as Jesper Dahl Jensen som lærer

(In Danish below)

By signing this petition you agree to keep Jesper Dahl Jensen (JDJ), to continue having him as a teacher at the school.
It was recently discovered that his contract ends this school year, and will not be renewed. If you have Jesper as a teacher and would like to continue having him, then kindly sign this petition.

It would be greatly appreciated if you and others sign it. 

Ved at underskrive denne andragende er du enig med at beholde Jesper Dahl Jensen (JDJ), til forsætelse at have ham som lærer på gymnasiet.

Her for nyeligt blev det opdaget at hans kontrakt udløber, og vil ikke blive fornyet. Hvis du har Jesper som lærer og vil ha' at han fortsætter som lærer, så venligst underskrive denne andragende.

Det vil være i høj grad værdsat hvis du, og andre underskriver den. 

Z. Verasinee Staugaard Nielsen    Contact the author of the petition

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