Keep Screen School in Rackard league with Castlebridge and Curracloe

There have been some discussions had in Screen school regarding Screen withdrawing from the Rackard League Team with Castlebridge and Curracloe schools to play in it as a solo school. 

As it stands, if this format was to proceed, it may mean that Screen, Curracloe, and Castlebridge separately may/will not be able to field a team of 15 for Rackard league in any school.

This year's Girls would *not* be able to field a Rackard league team for the coming year, and it is unlikely they would be able to for the coming years. The boys would also likely find it difficult to field a team without going to much younger classes.

In this instance it would result in no participation  in the Rackard League competition for pupils attending Screen NS. 

Rackard league is a Parish based competition, since it was founded in 1955, Castlebridge parish have proudly played and won competitions throughout the years.

If you would *not* like to see Screen School separated from the current format, for both boys and girls please sign this petition.


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