Keep King's Oak uniform affordable and accessible for all

King's Oak Academy has made a lot of changes to it uniform in recent months and has failed as a Academy to consider the wider cost implications of such changes on a community that is in the gripes of the worst cost of living crisis in 40 years. In light of this and the currently Education (Guidance about cost if Uniforms) act 2021 I ask the Academy make the following incredibly reasonable adjustments to help parents with cost. 

KEEP NON LOGO ITEMS ACCEPTABLE ACROSS the lower and middle school for all uniform and pe kit as its a precident that's been set and to change it now flies in face of government guidance which advises all schools to do all they can to reduce costs of school uniform not increase them.

Secondly have a longer transition period for current uniform changes meaning parents can buy items as and when they can afford them/ there actually even in stock on monkhouse website and not bankrupt themselves all before the school year starts. This also allows the school more time to look in to logo patch alternatives and for hand me down items to be re-used and not throw away reducing the impact on the environment. 

 Offering an affordable high street alternative for the incredibly expensive monkhouse skirt required for the secondary. 

And finally moving forward ask the Academy to find a more reliable, accessible and local supplier of school Uniforms to save parents the constant stress of having to hope items are even available from Monkhouse a supplier know to have poor service and its items are poor quality. 

I hope the Academy can show its community it can "Be Kind and Work Hard" to help ALL parents in its community afford these changes in a way that doesn't leave them having  to make the tough choices between eating, heating or affording uniform for their children. 

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