Keep Father James Mary at Walsingham Shrine.

 Irish Travellers have historically struggled to find a place where they do not feel discriminated against, and have the opportunity to pray. However, Father James Mary has made that possible with his incredible work in Walsingham Catholic Shrine, Norfolk.

Every year, hundreds of Travellers from all over England travel to Walsingham Shrine to worship, pray, to seek guidance and to gain support. Which is a valued tradition passed on through the generations and is significant in instilling the love of Jesus and our Blessed Mother into the hearts of our youth. The warmth and respect Father James Mary has shown to the Traveller community has enabled many young familes to carry on this tradition.

Father James Mary has gained the respect and love of every member of the travelling community , as he is always willing and happy to offer unbiased, honest , relevent , individual pastoral support. His support has saved  marriages ,  families , and has enabled many conversions while additionally allowing the Travelling community to call Walsingham a 'home from home'.

Couples, newly-married and those with families, will come from all over to seek the guidance of Father James Mary. His guidance, support and counselling has helped many troubled couples and broken families to reunite, and he has continued to support these individuals and their families throughout.  

Father James Mary has had a significant impact on the Youth. He has inspired, encouraged, and supported them in their decision about their future, vocation and in their path to holiness. The youth hold Father James Mary in high regard due to the positive connection he has made with all of them and how impactful his pastoral support has had on their lives. Father James Mary has become a significant support counselor as well as a confidant to the Youth due to his warmth, his understanding and ability to connect with them.

It is clear how important Father James Mary is to the Travelling community and how much he makes Walsingham Shrine a welcoming place for all. He has built strong connections with many members of the community and his good reputation is known throughout. He has brought so many troubled souls back to the Loving Mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. The Travelling community believes he is doing God's work through working with a community that too often receives a lot of discrimination. We would be lost without him.




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