Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,
A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Cliven Bundy, Blaine Cooper, David Fry, Ken Meddenbauch,and Ryan Payne. And for Ryan Payne who was shot at with both hands up, being compliant and clearly visible, for Ryan Bundy who was wounded and still to this day carries the buillet in his person. For Shawn Anderson who targeted and framed by the Idaho State police in conjunction with the FBI, being wounded in the head by multiple bullets and is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence. We petition an investigation of former US President Barrack Hussein Obama and former secretary of State Hillary Rodman Clinton for these crimes against said individuals and for High Treason against the United States of America and its citizens. (1) Whereas: Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton unilaterally brokered an agreement/deal with Uranium1 /Rostadom an Russian mining company to deliver high grade enriched Uranium from the Steen mountains located in eastern Oregon. Some of the highest grade uranium ore ever discovered. (2) Whereas: This deal/agreement was named “Mega tons for Megawatts”. This deal was to enrich Russian nuclear uranium, and was to be used for third world nuclear power plants. (3) Whereas: Said nuclear material was never delivered to third world power plants but was returned to Russia minus a “skimmed” off portion to be used s against the United States of America for nefarious reasons ; to trigger a preplanned conspiracy of nuclear war between Russia and the US. (4) Whereas: The former director of the FBI Robert Mueller hand delivered a sample of said enriched nuclear ore/material to the Russians via Uranium1mining company and 145 million US dollars was deposited by said Russian assets for payment of future enriched uranium deliveries into the Clinton Foundation. Mining operations were eventually terminated by the discovery and expose of the Malheur refuge occupiers. (5) Whereas: The delivery of said enriched uranium would have “resurrected” the failing and possibly inert (SALT Treaty) Russian Nuclear arsenal to potentially wage a nuclear war “holocaust” on the United States and potentially other nations. An investigation into the Obama administration including but not limited to former Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton for high treason is petitioned for. (6) Whereas: The Obama administration by premeditation left the US during those specific years vulnerable to potential nuclear annihilation a crime of high treason demanding justice. (7) Whereas: This high treason was discovered by the occupation of the Malheur Refuge by Patriots triggering a cascade of events leading to the Murder of LaVoy Finicum and the illegal imprisonment of before mentioned patriots. (8) Whereas: The high grade uranium ore referenced was discovered in the Steen Mountains in eastern, Oregon where the Hammond ranch held permitted grazing rights. To mine the uranium by Russian assets Uranium1/Rostadom the Obama administration conspired to destroy Dwight and Steven Hammond by law fare/double jeopardy and a biased stacked court. The Hammonds were resentenced to additional years in prison amounting to ten years in total. Due to Dwight Hammonds advanced elderly years Dwight Hammond most likely would have died in prison had he not been pardoned with son Steven Hammond by the Honorable President Donald Trump. (9) Whereas: Arrests were made by the FBI and Oregon State Police subjecting before mentioned Patriots to harsh and brutal treatment amounting to cruel and unusual punishment for a lengthy period of time.. (10) Whereas: All before mention Patriots were found “not guilty” by a jury of their peers despite a biased (law fare) judge, prosecuting attorneys, and fake media outlets carrying water for the federal government to bias the jury and public in general. Over one hundred charges for seven defendants, (11) Whereas: Another Patriot of the Malheur Refuge occupation was set up resulting in one Shawn Anderson being shot multiple times and is now serving a lengthy prison sentence. Shawn Anderson was setup by the Idaho State police in conjunction with the then Corrupt FBI. Shawn Anderson was a targeted individual due to his activities at the Malheur refuge and with Peoples Rights.org created by Malheur Refuge, Bundy Ranch standoff and exonerated by a federal court jury trial one Ammon Bundy. (12)Whereas: “We the People” proper the immediate pardon of Shawn Anderson. (13) Whereas: In summary just one of the several purposes but not the least of this petition for the redress of grievances is to reflect the deprivation of rights in violation of USC Title 18: section 241-242 and section 42: 1983 deprivation of rights where LaVoy Finicum was denied life, by a criminal conspiracy of a cabal of treasonous actors, (14) Whereas: The criminal trial of one Special FBI agent Joseph Astarita for the murder of LaVoy Finicum, was a sham we petition for FBI Special agent Joseph Astarita’s qualified immunity be revoked and a retrial due to other FBI agents committing perjury by lying under oath. We petition those FBI swat team members and perjurers also be tried for perjury. (15) Whereas: So few have done so much for so many by extreme sacrifice we humbly ask to be recognized by the Honorable President Donald Trump by accepting and empowering this petition by passing it on to the new FBI Director Kash Patel with marching orders to investigate, Sincerely your friend and fellow Patriot Brand N Thornton
Brand N Thornton Contact the author of the petition