Justice for Ivet Staykova

My Story
Hello, my name is Ivet Staykova. I was arrested when I was 18 years and 5 months old. I have been sentenced to 17 years in prison for the murder of my grandmother, Violeta Doneva. I want to share my story and the process by which the "investigation" reached this conclusion.

The Beginning of My Path
When I was 13 years old, I fell into bad company and started using drugs—first Xanax and marijuana, and later stimulants and hallucinogens (amphetamines, cocaine, LSD, MDMA, and others). Life at home was difficult—constant arguments between my parents, emotional trauma, and poverty. I felt isolated, misunderstood, and restricted.

Over the years, my addiction worsened. I became involved with dangerous people and dealers, which led to methamphetamine-induced psychosis. I was diagnosed with severe mental disorders, but no official documents were ever issued to confirm this.

The Day That Changed My Life
On November 19, 2022, I woke up tied up in a psychiatric hospital in the city of Pazardzhik. I was covered in bruises, mistreated, and under the influence of strong medications. A week later, police officers and lawyers came to my room to inform me that I was accused of murdering my grandmother. I was in shock—I didn’t understand what was happening.

The Lack of Evidence
The accusations against me are based on assumptions rather than real evidence:

  • I had no blood under my nails, which should be present in such a crime.
  • I was almost completely immobile due to serious injuries—a broken pelvis and pubic bone.
  • I did not have keys to the apartment, which was locked after the crime.
  • The cameras cannot identify the perpetrator.
  • No one else has been investigated, even though foreign DNA was found at the crime scene.
  • I have never been interrogated, and the crime scene was not preserved.

My Health Condition
After my arrest, I developed additional diagnoses: reactive depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as a result of the traumatic events. I was already suffering from borderline personality disorder, social phobia, and drug-induced behavioral changes.

My Appeal
Dear friends, I need your support to prove my innocence. The justice system does not care about the truth, and I am imprisoned without a fair trial. Let’s unite to change this!

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