It is time for the President to intervene in the Tshwane crisis

Sign our petition calling for immediate intervention to end the collapse of service delivery in the City of Tshwane.

Enough is enough!

Residents and businesses across the City of Tshwane are subjected to poor service delivery on a daily basis.

Four months ago, the ANC in Gauteng dissolved the Tshwane Council in an unlawful coup to remove the DA from power.

In doing so, the ANC removed democratically elected councillors from their positions and their communities. They were replaced by unlawful administrators as affirmed by the court judgments in favour of the DA.

While the ANC is appealing these judgments service delivery in the capital city has collapsed.

Core administrative tasks have come to a halt, electricity and water outages go unanswered, waste has not been collected for weeks and communities are being treated with indifference by the new administrators.

In just under four months the capital has fallen into ruin under the ANC.

We call on President Cyril Ramaphosa to intervene by instructing the ANC-led Gauteng provincial government to remove the unlawful administrators and withdraw their court appeals so that councillors in the city can be reinstated.

Residents have a right to be governed by the people they elected so that they can hold them to account.

It is only through democratically elected leadership that governance and service delivery will be restored in the city and not through a power grab via an unlawful coup.

The President should intervene if the rot in the city is to stop.

We call on the President Ramaphosa to provide an urgent directive that will see service delivery being restored.

The capital city is left unaccountable and this is a direct reflection on the image of our country.

Sign the petition to show your support.

Democratic Alliance Gauteng North    Contact the author of the petition

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