Irish Water must address Fardystown Scheme water hardness

This petition calls on Irish Water to address, at source, the serious problems caused by the hardness of the water from Wexford's Fardystown scheme. This scheme supplies thousands in the south east of the county, from Whiterock Hill in Wexford town down to Rosslare Harbour and Kilmore Quay with water.
This petition also asks Wexford County Council to support work with the many users who face considerable financial costs and to use any influence it may have to request that Irish Water address this issue.
Why is this important?
Many users on Wexford's Fardystown scheme face enormous expense and great inconvenience due to the hardness of the water supplied. Users are forced to spend significant amounts of money throughout each year replacing essential appliances such as kettles, washing machines, dryers and showers as they are constantly damaged by lime in the water. Water softeners do not sufficiently address the problem but they in themselves can cost up to €1,000 and have a limited lifespan.
Irish Water have refused to address these issues and stated that this water meets EU regulation standards and that hard water can be an important source of essential minerals.
We believe that this problem should be addressed at source rather than in people's homes and that Irish Water should fund works to address this problem at source.

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