Hybrid Learning for 2022/2023 EECS QMUL

A petition for hybrid learning for EECS modules during the 2022/2023 school year due to:

-Having the infrastructure from previous years to record/stream lessons

-Unnessesary travel to lessons where it's simply teaching/uninteractive (can easily be made hybrid)

-Excessive downtime between classes (Up to 5 hours)

-Some days only containing one short lesson (30 mins)

-Many students being made aware of in-person learning too late to secure accomodation (Travel time of 1.5 hours+ per way to Mile End)

-Some individuals are still quarantining when testing positive

We ask for lectures to be recorded and streamed wherever possible as to reduce unnecessary travel, long days and wasted time. 

There is no need to travel into campus for anything that can be done at home, such as programming labs & lectures.

Additionally, Online Exams should be considered. Many EECS modules are primarily done on computers & a 24 hour window allows flexibility as to when to take the exam.

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