Give us back the Artemis legacy of bow hunting

Hercules.pngFellow bow hunters, sign the petition to make bow hunt in Greece legal again! Throughout the 5 millennium history of the ancient Greeks until now, bow and arrows have always been linked to the survival of humans. The ancient hunting tradition of archery and the sporting achievements of archers in ancient Olympia are our legacy from our ancestors. But today, archery is outlawed. Why? Who has the right to deprive us of our ancient customs and of our grandparents' heritage?
Nowadays, the only legal hunting weapon in Greece is the smooth-barreled shotgun. This is an extremely inaccurate and harmful weapon compared to a bow and arrow. From the ethical point of view for a humane sport hunting, a weapon of the type with silent slit ammunition such as an arrow brings much less pain to the hunted game than the massive and terrifying shock of a slug bullet. Then why is bow forbidden weapon for hunting here in Greece? The homeland of ancient myths about hunting feats with bow and arrows of Apollo, Artemis, Eros, Orion, Philoctetes, Atalanta, Paris and the most popular figure from ancient Greek mythology Hercules.
United in our favorite sport - archery hunting, we can bring back the traditions in our modern society. We need to convince politicians of the need to keep archery because this is one of the last relationships with wildlife and the conservation of wildlife habitats.International bow hunters are among the most numerous followers of trophy hunting. Legalized trophy hunting with bow can raise a lot of money from the Greek state to invest back in protecting wildlife and their habitats.This will restore almost extinct populations of unique Greek animals - the Kri Kri ibex.
Let us unite to preserve the ancient art of archery so that we can leave that heritage and the right to bow-hunt to our children and grandchildren.

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