Government Shutdowns Never Again!!!
Please support this petition if you are sick and tired of the politicians in America (those in The House and The Senate and any others who work in the government in the capacity as a politician) holding the rest of Americans and those who live in America hostage to the threats and actual shutdown of the government. If any other government worker and those of us relying on government run businesses have to take furloughs, decrease in pay, any loss of vacation time and have lousy healthcare and are not able to utilize government run agencies, the Politicians should also suffer from this same fate. They too should LOSE their pay since they are the government, the epitome of the government because they are the politicians we voted for to get things done and if they cant decide to get things done, then they too should suffer the consequences. In that way their decision making would improve since their lives and livelihoods are also at stake and also in the balance. What affects the rest of government workers would also affect them and then maybe they would know how to vote because now everyone who works for the government is in the same boat. Fairness would therefore prevail and government shut downs would no longer be threatened or performed because the selfishness of politicians would have to be curtailed in this sense. Lets send a message to Washington that this type of behavior will not be tolerated and that they too should be held accountable.
Doris Stair Contact the author of the petition
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