Give Student Nurses More Support at The University of Huddersfield

We the undersigned feel we are hugely lacking in support from our lecturers at the Univeristy of Huddersfield, both with academic work and in practice.

We are currently out in practice without any understanding of what is required of us with regard to the online PebblePad documentation and, more to the point, our supervisors and assessors have received no training either. This makes us feel as though we have been set up to fail our first practice placements.
We have also had no explanation of the EU Directives that we are expected to complete, apart from a brief email that was sent out on 10/02/2020. 

With regard to academic work, we have been set our first written assignment to be submitted whilst on placement, but many of us are struggling to understand how to complete it at all, never mind well enough to achieve a good grade. Whenever we have emailed lecturers at university we have been directed to Brightspace but, if the information we were requesting was on there, we would not need to ask for further explanations. The response that the whole cohort received from one of the lecturers was wholly inappropriate and basically told us that we would not receive any help, which makes us wonder why on earth we are paying £9250 a year in tuition fees?!

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