Free Oxygen for All Patients

Most Kenyans who have been admitted at our public and private hospitals know just how expensive the cost of care is. The cost of having someone being treated with oxygen therapy is especially high. As such patients have to decide between enduring the crippling costs which at our main public Kenyatta National Hospital can be as high as sh10,000 per day or receiving sub therapeutic oxygen treatment to try and minimise the cost. We believe that the government through the ministry of health should look into ways where life saving oxygen can be provided for free to all Kenyans. Recently a close relative was discharged from Kenyatta with an oxygen concentrator machine. Although the purchase of the machine was expensive coming at around sh120,000, there was no further costs incurred after that, as the concentrator converts the free atmospheric oxygen into a form that can be delivered and used by the patient. We therefore would like to petition the ministry of health to provide sufficient oxygen concentrators to all our  hospitals and also to look into the construction of oxygen plants at all our key hospitals. We believe that no Kenyan should have to go into hospital and have to pay for oxygen. Please share and sign this petition to help us make a change.

Constantine Gitibah    Contact the author of the petition

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