Please help me fight for my two innocent American Akita's. On the 23/08/2024 Thames Valley Police came to my property arrested myself and seized my two family pets. 

I've now been released on bail until November! But I've not had any paper work for my dogs nothing to show the police have taken them? 

My dogs are accused of being dangerously out of control not because they have harmed anyone but because they have managed to escape into my neighbours garden. Does that mean that these two should loose their lives? 

Akita's are very inquisite and are known to try to escape there gardens and homes they havent caused any harm to the public nor hurt anyone but yet they are being deemed DANGEROUSLY OUT OF CONTROL! 

The police intimidates me, tried to scare me and held me in custody for over 6hrs. 

Please sign and help bring my fur babies home. 


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