Opposition to ITV

Quoted post


#440 Its useless speaking to them

2012-08-17 16:42

Its a waste of time asking these molvis regarding their appearance on TV. I got experience. If you ask them something its one of two things: either they will not answer you or their answer will be something way off the topic. I mean listen to radio Shaitaan (Islam) if you don't believe me. How many times calls were cut and then the silly mind boggling apology of "we lost the brother". This has to be known that there is nothing like "we lost the caller"!



#531 Re: Its useless speaking to them

2012-09-21 21:43:03

#440: Anonymous - Its useless speaking to them

you hit the nail on the head.

even a senior molana like ml shabbeer saloojee, who supposed to be the vice-president of the fordsburg jamiat (or some senior position like that he holds) he even told an aalim who wanted to meet and discuss with them: "you wasting your time".