Opposition to ITV

Quoted post


#52 Saifullah

2012-07-27 12:24

Straight Talker: This petition is definitely NOT a waste of time. If it was why would the Director himself take it serious and respond? Intelligent people simply ignore things which are a waste of time. A petition is meant to galvanize people. More then One hundred and fifty Ulama and Huffaaz have in less then forty eight hours opposed ITV and shattered the myth that the Jamiat in Fordsburg speaks on behalf of the Ulama in the country. Clean air makes people see clearly. The De deur fresh farm air and the coastal air of P.E. must have something special in it. Perhaps Straight Talker could go and spent a few days there. The fresh air will make him see things more clearly. City air is polluted and this affects one's vision. Even our Holy Prophet peace be upon him went to spent time in solitude in the cave of Hira and escape the oppressive sinful life of the shirk which contaminated the holy city on Mecca. Dr Adam with all due respect, who gave you a Fatwa that the cartoons, music, intermingling between Molvies etc. is permissible in Islam? Again with all due respect: Just as a woman cannot be half pregnant, so can there be no half Islam. Islam is a complete religion.


Mohamed Adam - ITV

#53 Re: Saifullah

2012-07-27 13:41:01

#52: - Saifullah 

I have not said that caroons, music and intermingling is acceptable. That is wrong. Anything against the Shariah is wrong. If ITV does any of these that ITV must rightly be criticised for that. What I am saying is lets debate the issues and lets give specific examples of wrong doing and allow ITV to correct the problems. ITV is not perfect. But ITV is not Shaytaan TV. I do not agree with music on some of the adverts. I will look into it. I would appreciate constructive criticism to help us continually improve the channel.

I personally do not watch much TV. I think people should think for themselves and rather read books especially the Quran and Hadith literature and also read about the Seerah of our Beloved Nabi ( SAW ). Did anyone ask why someone would make so much effort over a period of 10 years to create an "Islamic TV" station just to earn the displeasure of Allah (SWT) ? It does not make sense. My intention was to earn the pleasure of Allah (SWT). ITV has not made any profits over the past 10 years ( with the exeception of this Ramadaan where we may have a small surplus, InshaAllah ). ITV is a non-profit Foundation.



#55 Re: Saifullah

2012-07-27 15:50:42

#52: - Saifullah Jamiat in Fordsburg is a handful of Ulema who hijacked JAMIATUL ULEMA TVL.