Opposition to ITV

Quoted post



2012-07-26 13:17

Isn't it amazing that the television is in existence for the past 80 years and NOT one single respectable aalim ever declared it halal/appropriate since then?


Is it because all those ulama (of the past 80 years)were ignorant regarding the fact that digital photography is halal, there's no hijaab from the reflections of ghair mahram, the female voice is not awrah, all means of propagating islam must be used, and hence - television is permissible???

In reality this ^ is what our radio islaam moulana's are saying by using the pretty term called: ''Difference of opinion''.
Were the ulama of the past eighty years not competent enough to understand that there can be difference of opinion on certain issues? Yes they were! so why didn't any of them have a diffidence of opinion on the status of television in islaam??

Radio islaam is pushing it too far this time!

The pure religion of islaam cannot be propagating by means of filth.



#268 Re:

2012-08-05 14:30:38