Quoted post


#279 Re: are you serious? at war with muslims? NEVER!

2012-07-19 21:54

#1: -

how can anyone be so blinded by hatred? human beings are 95% exactly the same. you want to kill and war over 5%? Muslims have as much right to have mosque and school etc, as do Christians.  I am NOT AT WAR WITH MUSLIMS! are you so simple minded that all you can see is a call to arms against your human brothers? I pray for you and that one day we will see the truth, that we are all gods children and that tolerance and love is THE ONLY WAY to solve problems. Blessings and peace. NO WAR OVER RELIGION, POLITRICKS, or anything else. lets have peace!


English Lady

#292 Re: Re: are you serious? at war with muslims? NEVER!

2012-08-25 11:17:09

#279: timothytrespas - Re: are you serious? at war with muslims? NEVER!

If you feel that way, go out to Syria and tell them all to stop fighting. Also what of the hate placards, poppy burnings and threats to kill infidels? Peace? I think not