Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

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Scarlett White

#30 This new album isn't Michael's work

2010-11-12 19:57

We alL know how Michael Jackson worked all his life to offer the best songs , the best videos and the best performances to all his fans around the world . If he didn't wanted to let us hear some songs it's because he didn't find them good enough . He wanted the best for us and he gave it to all of us . And more importantly , he gave us love through his songs . We can feel the beauty of his soul just by hearing his voice . And now that he is gone , people are totally brain-washed by money . They take the songs he didn't finished and they tell to someone else to imitate his voice . Just to make us believe in this lie . They didn't respect his creativity and his wishes . They betrayed him . And this album is just another way for them to earn money . He is no longer here , but we are still here . Here to defend his work , to defend the love he gave to us all his life . His children do not deserve this injustice . Michael doesn't deserve this injustice . I believe that it is right to fight for something that is truth . It is time now to focus on the beauty of his talent with all the great things he gave us and to stop those who want to use his name to earn money . They are liers and they want to make a fool of us . But this upcoming album is fake and Michael would be so sad and upset if he knew about all that is going on since he is gone . Let's respect him , his work and his whildren by letting Sony and the others know that what they do is disrespectful and truly mean !


jolanda dams

#1377 Re: This new album isn't Michael's work

2010-11-23 23:44:42

you are so right, i won't buy it when i hear other voices than michael's on the background. randy told that it was fake and katherine to, just like his children. michael would turn around in his grave if he knew sony was doing this.i even think aeg and sony killed him only to earn a lot more money than when he was alive. if you don't know than look to who killed michael jackson that's an eyeopener#30: Scarlett White - This new album isn't Michael's work