Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

Quoted post



2011-12-22 15:58

"The international society of consciousness of Krishna" (кришнаиты) - неоиндуистская pagan sect.

Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna"

"Yes there will be no at you other god, and

Do not worship to god foreign"

"For all gods of the people - idols,

And the Lord has created heavens"

Пс. 95:5

"... Pagans, making a sacrifice,

Bring to demons, instead of God"
1Кор. 10:20

The doctrine and sect practice кришнаитов
The news information about кришнаитах
Publications in mass-media about кришнаитах
Destructive darkness кришнаизма:
"A society of consciousness of Krishna" (МОСК, кришнаиты) - professor Alexander Dvorkin
The expert judgement on activity of the Minsk community of "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" - the Enlightenment № 1, 1998.
The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses - Maxim Stepanenko
As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko
The more I learn paganism, the I am more terrified or a Vedic damnation on an impotence - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko
Monkey on a pole - murders, madness and кришнаиты - John Hubner, Lindsey Gruson
Кришнаиты - as they are... Actually (certificates очевидицы) - Julia Gilzitdinova
Кришнаиты - who they? - Archpriest Oleg Stenjaev
The Christ and Krishna. Light and darkness - Alexander Novopashin, an archpriest
Кришнаизм, as tradition of worship a deceit and death - Vitaly Pitanov
Small lie of "the Great teacher" Prabhupadas (to a question on an admissibility of the use of meat of animals) - диакон Andrey Belous
From Krishna to the Christ (history of returning from an idol to Son Bozhiemu) - Anastas Ivanov
Eat manure, drink urine and glorify Krishna (about use practice кришнаитами a sewage of animals) - Vitaly Pitanov
World order on-krishnaitski - professor Alexander Dvorkin
The Christ and Krishna, whether one this and the same? - Pavel Stoljarov
Jesus Christ in кришнаитском dogma - иерей Pavel Feoktistov
Disposal of divinity - Eric Pement
The reference of the Yaroslavl antisectarian centre apropos "Festival of India", organised by adherents of sect МОСК (кришнаиты)
The charitable action of firm UMRTS "Адели" or trade in souls of children? - Professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov
About idols, pies and axes... - Evgenie Muhtarov
The sect кришнаитов has cut itself in Khabarovsk - the Center свщмч. Иринея Lyons
Loud fiasco сектомафии in Khabarovsk - professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov
The judgement about a recognition антикришнаитской leaflets by an extremist material - Interfax-religion is cancelled
Corruption sectarian abscess in Khabarovsk territory or Give only the power to sectarians - РАЦИРС
Krishnaitsky Khabarovsk business – especial business - Igor Ivanishko
Who should answer before the Law: sect or antisectarians? - Igor Ivanishko
Кришнаиты collect a dust from footwear of the gurus - Vitaly Pitanov
Destiny of my mother in darkness кришнаизма (the certificate of the son) - Alexander
Krishna and Army - Albert Bitjutsky
To court in Tomsk about a recognition of the book of Hindu Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" the extremist
The Office of Public Prosecutor of a city of Tomsk demands to recognise the book of Hindu Abhaj Charan De "as Bhagavad-gita as it is" экстремисткой - Maxim Stepanenko
The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses - Maxim Stepanenko
The Indian authorities are misinformed concerning court in Tomsk against the book "by Bhagavad-gita as it is" - Roman Silantev
As me кришнаит has convicted of lie - On topic of the day
Svami Prabhupada - the big crafty dragon! (Adzhagar-guru) - On topic of the day
The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with begun litigation in Tomsk! - Maxim Stepanenko
I congratulate, again соврамши … the Review of Boris Falikova's article "Gita and a bat" - professor Alexander Dvorkin
Кришнаитов in Tomsk the former employee of Office of Public Prosecutor of Khabarovsk, convicted of corruption - a selection of materials protects
Кришнаиты are ready to distribute 1 million roubles of bribes to "experts" to buy their opinion that "Bhagavad-gita as it is" - "warm and fuzzy" - On topic of the day
Nelli Krechetova - or absolutely incompetent legal expert, or lies, or that and another or who actually was dishonoured? - Comments to performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" in Tomsk
The representative under human rights across the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetova opposes itself to citizens of Russia - the Press release of Legal committee of protection of the rights and advantage of the person at the Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects
"... If also the Satan is divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18) - about кришнаитах and their defenders - On topic of the day
Society of consciousness of Krishna in Russia - the dwarf with huge ambitions - On topic of the day
As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko
Tomsk кришнаиты regularly and maliciously break the law "About a freedom of worship" - we continue to inform the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetovu - On topic of the day
The more I learn paganism, the I am more terrified or a Vedic damnation on an impotence - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko
Is not present кришнаитскому ашраму in the Tomsk region!
It is impossible to begin good business, having put in its basis law brazen violation - the Answer of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church to the statement of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna
Falsity in "кандинском the conflict" Enver Izmaylov has deserved from Krishna a rank санньяси - On topic of the day - On topic of the day
The court has demanded from кришнаитов to take down illegally under construction settlement in Kandinke - Interfax-religion
The court has refused кришнаитам excitation of criminal case concerning the head of missionary department of the Tomsk diocese - the Missionersko-apologetic project "To True"
Tomsk кришнаитов ask рекультивировать the earth on which they suited a self-system - Interfax-religion
The Office of Public Prosecutor has demanded to take down settlement кришнаитов in vicinities of Tomsk - Interfax-religion
Krishnaitsky inquisition against orthodox in Tomsk has failed - Interfax-religion
Statement РАЦИРС concerning the reference in Tomsk groups of sectarians-krishnaitov - professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov
Tomsk кришнаиты: from under blocks of 90th years - диакон Michael Plotnikov
Tomsk кришнаиты: lie, slyness, infringement of the Russian laws and aggression to opponents - Maxim Stepanenko
Кандинка has told кришнаитским to missionary "summer residences": "Is not present!"
If we show spiritual indifference Tomsk can become not only university, but the sectarian centre of Siberia - the Archbishop Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav
Management of Rosselhoznadzora across the Tomsk region has written out кришнаитам the instruction to eliminate illegal building nearby д. Кандинка, and local continue to protest against them ашрама
Inhabitants of Kaltajsky rural settlement of Tomsk area oppose illegal building кришнаитского ашрама
Is not present devilish капищу in Moscow!
Counteraction to building in Moscow кришнаитского капища - discussion in mass-media
The letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building pagan капища sects "International society of consciousness of Krishna" from 2/25/2005.
The answer of the Mayoralty of Moscow to the letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona
The second letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building pagan капища sects "International society of consciousness of Krishna" from 11/29/2005.
The embittered reaction кришнаитов on the given letter from 12/1/2005.
The answer of the archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona on "Explanation ЦОСКР in connection with the reference of the archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building of a temple of Krishna in Moscow" and the statement of the President of Association of Indians to Russia (ACORUS) of Sandzhit K. Dzhha
The statement of the Moscow branch of the Union of orthodox citizens concerning the decision of authorities of the capital to give кришнаитам a ground - Interfax-religion from 2/14/2009.
Support of orthodox Christians of Russia positions of the Ufa diocese in polemic with кришнаитами:
The Center Press release религиоведческих researches for the sake of St. Irineja Lyons
The reference of diocesan meeting of the Tver diocese to the Russian public in connection with question discussion about кришнаитском капище in Moscow
Who inflates scandal – "orthodox radicals" or the liberal journalist? - The comment of the information-analytical centre свт. Mark Efessky concerning Michael Pozdnjaeva's article "Children of not main god"

Photo - "Its Divine favour" Shri Shrimad Svami Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada - www.eparhia-saratov.ru and object of worship of sectarians - a demon Krishna with a collar from reptiles - how here not to remember a bible image ancient змия in эдемском to a garden! "... There are at them eyes, but do not see" (Пс.113:13) кришнаиты and other fans of the Indian pagan religious exotic a true essence синекожих (!) "deities". It is necessary to notice that the orthodox monks possessing vision of demons ripened them in a similar black kind.


Hare Krsna

#6596 Re:

2011-12-22 16:21:49

#6590: -  

What is wrong with u? The most compassionate soul that walked the earth was Jesus. We Hare Krsna's believe this statement , we have done nothing and will do nothing to harm or prejudice against any religion. Just leave us to continue to believe in our faith. We do not blaspheme the Bible or any religious work. Please stop your critiscisms and take shelter of your God Christ and Jehovah and be at peace, stop your harsh words and be tolerant and humble and stop damning others , Let The Lord be the judge of our character and let he who is not a sinner cast the first stone. Its Christmas Time , a time for giving and sharing. Believe in your scriptures , follow your commandments and be a better person.