Quoted post


#8 Re:

2016-04-22 19:31

#1: -  

 The SAMATU "leaders" who are behind this petition, press statements, newspaper articles etc are the same politicians who want to destroy SAMA by taking its assets and monies and using them for their own selfish purposes. They tried to hijack the National Congress and failed.  Now they are trying to mislead innocent doctors who do not know the goings-on within SAMATU! Many of us in branches know what has been going on. We know who is behind it. The Board of Directors was correct in disbanding this corrupt structure before it becomes too late. SAMA members wake up! Become active in your branches and help your SAMA to take your issues forwards.  Petitions for corruption will not help you.



#11 Re: Re:

2016-04-23 04:41:25

#8: - Re:  

 if you feel you were tricked please send me your details and I will remove your name when we submit the petition. 0823103700 or 0763389393

I alone, created the petition because something wrong is happening at SAMA. We shall get to our number and get to the bottom of everything. 

Doctor at work

#15 Re: Re:

2016-04-23 14:30:08

#8: - Re:  

 well am not sure why donpeople like you bother to comment if you are not interested . SAMA he failed us and we want answers and f they have nothing to hide what the issue with transparency? We are tired of these people who keep on writing long emails like this above we want to engage for the better Enron of our doctors . Unsaid it in that SAMA meeting let's let SAMA people remain as they are and we leave them because they are useless .