Petition to Fedeen from the EK players

Quoted post



2015-12-01 22:13

What's funny is with all these complaints, top players still gemmed to be top 5 in EW on day 2 and 1st on day 2 for WT. 


You go to he store, it doesn't have what you want.  Do you randomly grab something off the shelf? Or do you leave?
Simply put if you don't like the rewards or whatever, don't buy them.  They'll get the idea.

Many of  you are comlaining about this and that bout cards and rewards.  Know what that's great but you forget that there are new players who want some of these cards to play. Some players may also want them for fodder.

Just because you have them and don't need  or want them doesn't mean other players do.

Know how to fix EK:

  • Randomize clans in KW
  • Fix the drop rate for Warlord & Boooster packs.  I've spent $50 on EK and got 1 5* card.  Wonder how much I've spent since then? $0 
    And I refuse to until they fix the drop rate.
  • Fix the match up in WT.  There is no way that a player ranked 11000 is going to beat a player ranked 23
  • Schedule events so they don't over lap, so we can kick players who are long term Afk or what ever

Sorry I just can sign something that is going to benefit the top players and top spenders on EK



#26 Re:

2015-12-02 01:10:12

#24: -  

 Who do you think keeps this game alive moron? The F2P peasants like you? No, better rewards are for everyone who can win them. A new player is never going to win a reward, come back to reality.