We must ban Muslim immigration and ban Islam in CANADA

Quoted post



2015-11-15 22:23

These people do not integrate the culture but bring the Middle East with them everywhere they go. With time, this is how they take over a country.


John wick

#85 Re:

2019-04-07 16:00:21

#3: -  

I'm absolutely disgusted Islam religion allows full-grown Muslim men to rape little children to kill women this is not a religion it's a man-made rule so they can get away with ever they want their disgusting parasites and they need to be banned from Canada every last one of them need to be sent back and band their religion needs to be banned all these Muslim prayer buildings need to be torn down we don't want that crap here Justin Trudeau wants it so bad he can go to their country and praise them cuz we don't want that shit here never have never will and Justin Trudeau keeps saying he knows what's best interest for Canadian citizens that's a bunch of bulshit cuz it's satistics shows that there is almost two million Muslim immigrants in Canada as we speak right now those half a million Homes at Justin Trudeau just built for Canadian citizens is false those homes are being built for Muslim immigrant refugees  waiting for   Canadian status