say no to a columbarium next to our future home!

Quoted post



2015-01-03 16:10

Quoted #301,

" 看来看去,一点也不像廟,根本就是一座大骨灰塔 "

On Second thought, may I check with my future sengkang resident how do you think an "URN" Shape may look like !

Well, Can be an "OVER" shaped, Can be a "VASE" shaped. Can be an "CUBE" shape... similar to the proposal building design.

Someone was saying, look seem like an "URN" ! parking right in the centre of the sengkang heartland !



Oppose to columbarium

#319 Re:

2015-01-03 16:18:31

#318: -  

 Let me reply your ignorance. If you are into architecture, you will know, for chinese temples all 4 corners have a 牛角。Please at least google before comment la.

But the propose picture is like a shopping mall. Of course la, by a profit driven ang mohs australian company. I wouldn't be surprised if you are from life corp.

But be prepared, tomorrow we will ask you and HDB and URA the questions you probably can't or don't have face to answer


#323 Re:

2015-01-03 16:49:37

#318: -  

 Are you referring to runs like this? Yup...really like a gigantic urn