Governor Rick Scott Free Emilia Carr

Quoted post



2014-09-23 16:21

I believe Emilia would have been murdered as well by her boyfriend if she did not do what he said. She doesnt deserve to be sitting on death row.



#3 Re:

2014-12-02 23:03:34

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 Bull shit she could have stopped it before it happened it happened in her fn trailer


#9 Re: fear

2015-04-25 18:44:38

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 Fear is a MF. Until you are in the face of fear, understanding such terror can never be explained in words. When facing such an act making sense of it is the last thing that crosses your thoughts. God knows death is such a terrible act when one's life is taken by one such as you. Could fear be such a thing to witness when staring in the face of a killer. Who knows what took place, what lead up to this hainous crime. 

Fear shocked me, to where years of training could not prepare me to act. The military laws are govern by those who has set the very rules and laws that excuses as well as convict us for our actions rater wrong or innocent. Iook at this as an opportunity to bring to light the questions most have when face with this fear. Let her go, for if fear played no part in this plot, then God has chose her destiny.


#10 Right direction

2015-04-25 20:44:14

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 I don't think the direction to establish a petition with enough signatures is wrong; however raising enough money for a new defense will help more.


#50 Re:

2015-10-31 18:25:18

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 She was young and taken advantage of by someone she one knows the whole story or how it feels to be entrapped by someone you love