Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

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#17 What has happened to compassion in this world?

2014-05-09 19:50

I wonder what the other tenants of the complex would say? Do the tenants of the complex even know about this request & if they do, do they even understand the situation fully. Has the Body Corporate even gone as far as to find out how the other tenants might feel about allowing a working dog in the complex? Or are they just deciding that the rule book says this, so I am sorry we can't help you? Come on people, this is a little boy's life that can be made better. There should surely be exceptions that can be made to the rules!! A person life can change in an instant, in an instant you could be sitting in a position where you need a working dog to assist you or where you might need a rule to be change in order to assist you to make life a bit easier for yourself and your family. Are you going to accept Rules are Rules or you knew the Rules when you moved in? Lets try put ourselves into other peoples situations and try and understand and use compassion in our decision making and think before we open our mouths. There are tenants of complexes out there that would agree to exceptions if they were only asked and situations explained. Why must there be suffering of people due to ignorance of others? May this petition be blessed and may the request be granted.



#31 Re: What has happened to compassion in this world?

2014-05-11 17:27:15

#17: Compassionate - What has happened to compassion in this world?

I live in the complex and say yes let him have a dog