Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post


#1143 Re:

2011-07-25 14:16

#1139: -

Exactly what damage was the fencing itself doing? Surely one benefit of it is to make it safer for people to walk their dogs without fear of them straying onto the road. How much has the vandalism by Steve and his cronies cost?


Steve McCarron

#1149 Re: Re:

2011-07-25 14:47:41

#1143: Domski - Re:

How did people with dogs cope before?

Its a SSSI, you should not drive posts into the ground.

It is an illegal impediment.

Enclosure is illegal.

The County Council applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for consent under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 to carry out restricted works on Hartlebury Common (52) and then gave legal notice that any objections should be made to the Planning Inspectorate by 9 January 2009 (53). The Open Space Society is not happy. By statute they are notified of all applications for works on common land submitted to the Secretary of State for Environment, and they have certainly objected to this one. Their local representative, Edgar Powell, doesn't think the council can lawfully erect fencing there in any case (54):
“We cannot understand why Worcestershire County Council proposes to fence the common when it must know that, under the Hartlebury Enclosure Act of 1815 (the associated award being sealed in 1821), it is illegal ‘to divide or enclose’ the common, and that it needs an Act of Parliament to revoke this clause”

Dont tell me, you did not know.


Not only that, they do not have planning permission for the cattle race, or the car park.