Seaford Head School Phone Ban

Quoted post

Come @ me bro

#229 Re: Life before mobiles

2014-02-28 17:51

#32: Anon - Life before mobiles

This comment is so flawed, excuse me but you're an idiot.
The school is incompetent when it comes to informing parents about events, or after school clubs...

Even absences are forgotten about. The only time they care about the attendance of students is when they have the achievement assembly, all that does is stroke Lynton Golds' ego even more.

All things considered, The headteacher is just looking for more ways to cover her tracks and improve her reputation, after all look at her record...

Her complete disregard for the students wellfare is of no shock to me, i have experienced her ignorance first hand also.


A Parent

#262 Re: Re: Life before mobiles

2014-03-02 22:45:44

#229: Come @ me bro - Re: Life before mobiles

Ok so let me get this right....

Mobile phone can be used to and from school....

Students have to turn their phones off at the start of school.... 8.40am
Students can use their phones by going to the school office at break or lunch (if there is a need)............ correct.... yes?
At the end of school 3.25pm they can turn them on again.

So, students can use their phones to and from school.. Correct... YES... NO students wellfare issues there then!
Reasons for needing phones all day (as stated on here) ... to talk to.... friends or/and family...!
Question..... are their friends not at school with them...? And as a parent cant you phone the school on the ....LAND LINE ? There is no need for an "instant reply" as in the words of the students themselves...... Student’s can't/won't use mobiles in lessons, so they wouldn't be able to answer you ANYWAY...!

As to you're "rant" it offers nothing to the debate, so far from "Anon" being the idiot, I suggest it is you, who need to look again at your comments...... Think before you type!