Quoted post


#227 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re201 and 203

2014-02-20 10:59

#226: - Re: Re: Re: Re: re201 and 203

I have total respect for anyone that respects others. I truly believe that this anonymous posting is a large cause of people being able to post rude and offensive comments with no consideration.

Could you please, for the sake of clarity, explain what it is you will be giving up if the school is built.  I think a lot of the petty arguments are coming from a misunderstanding of peoples viewpoints. While it may make total sense to you when you say "give up a lot of what they have put into life" - I'm not sure people understand what that means.

Parents too give up a lot supporting their children, and their plea is for a great school to continue to thrive (and not perish). The one line argument from supporters of the school is that "should the expansion and relocation not go ahead, the school will effectively be reduced in size, receive less funding and not be the fine place it is today".

So as you can see, both viewpoints are passionately given, and the supporters of the school are not doing it to annoy to damage residents lifestyles. The current school is not fit for purpose and KCC are proposing the expansion, this is the best and only option currently presented to all sides. From supporters of the schools perspective, this could truly be the only chance they get to "save the school" and quality of education that has been provided there for many years.



#228 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re201 and 203

2014-02-20 12:02:08

#227: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re201 and 203

Believe me I know what is like to bring up several Children and how hard choices are for parents but they are choices. the school may well be reduced in size if the new proposal does not go ahead but it will not close. Some of the funding for the new school should be used to replace "cabins" and improve facilities at the current site. The people in Tunstall road who are opposite the site have good sized houses which many of them have worked hard and long to keep hold of, many are now retired and do not want an extra increase in traffic, a large car park opposite and a building that does not have any resemblance to anything in the area, the noise will be added extra that they will have to suffer along with the light pollution from the new build. They will in affect open the cutains every day now and may be have to look at something that resembles an Asda or Morrison store. They deserve the right to a say and that is what they are all doing (except for a tiny minority). Children are important in life but they do not pay the mortgages and rates etc It is the adults in this case that are important and that is why they are standing up to KCC, not individuals but it is KCC that we are all against , THE PLANNING APPLICATION and the complete just within the law way this has been handled.