
Quoted post



2014-02-19 02:47

yet again i post this. use your head and understand that without the yellow lines, people would park there. then comes a truck and runs over a child. then what would be said? people would be up in arms about the fact that there was no yellow lines. don't be stupid. the k village car park is nearby. delete my comment if you may, but i will just post again.



#25 Re:

2014-03-05 18:40:05

#23: -

If you read the petition description properly signing this isn't to pick an argument with the yellow lines it is to free up the parking to allow local businesses and astro turf users to have FREE parking. Yes there is parking at k shoes but it adds to the cost of things.

Don't make comments regarding issues you haven't read properly.

lynsey goodyear
The author of this petition

#26 Re:

2014-03-05 20:56:02

#23: -

I Think you will find we are using our heads and rather than petition to get the yellow lines removed, the whole point of this petition is to utilse unused land to help local businesses, families, sports people who use the astro and local residents who complain about people parking on residential streets to use these facilities. As the creator of this petition i welcome any comments positive or negative, but it is interesting how you wish to remain anonymous. Like the other reply to your comment has said, you clearly havent read and understood what this petition was about, your negative comments make no sense, hense why i removed the inital one as it wasnt relevant!