Quoted post


#132 Re:

2014-02-11 16:17

#6: -

Check your facts!  The proposed site is owned by KCC and was ear marked as development land years ago.  It is only leased out as agricultural land.


old kentish boy(with straw in mouth)

#153 Re: Re:

2014-02-11 20:49:02

#132: Dicky - Re:

Dear old tricky dicky , very busy tonight. Dicky as you probably know Tunstall school was in the aegis of the parish council, and the proposed building site, in the aegis of Kent Farm Institute both caring and responsible organisations at that time. The field having been used since time immemorial to instruct young men in the technical aspects of agriculture (I know as I had two uncles who attended, now long gone). This was before the monolithic K.C.C. and it's band of overpaid wasters got involved, and decided they didn't like Kent and would turn it into an overspill estate for london( deliberately didn't give it a capital- doesn't deserve it). But like Dicky and many of his ilk know, we don't need agriculture anymore, cos food comes from supermarkets. My family have lived on the north downs for hundreds of years so I feel qualified to say -- SOD OFF AND LEAVE MY COUNTY ALONE ( in the nicest possible way lest anyone take offence).