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#26 against this petition

2014-01-31 19:18

The land has been intended for educational use for a long time......It was clearly stated that there are no plans for houses at the public planning meeting........ It is a well known and documented fact that houses close to excellent schools go up in value.....people near the current school (not all however) have constantly complained about everything from planning permission for mobiles,parking issues,even the style of fencing used. The school even has to pay to use the village hall for its Nativity play......facilities in the current school are pretty awful and completely outdated but I guess few of the objectors have bothered to visit for themselves.....I live in full view of the proposed site and I'm totally in favour. What a wonderful opportunity to make a massive difference for future generations. We live in the modern world and our children deserve modern facilities. (The plans have already been submitted so I think this petition is rather too late)



#28 Re: against this petition

2014-01-31 23:55:08

#26: Choose a nickname - against this petition 

 you are correct to a point, at the public meating the question was asked about the homes to be built and if you remember the speaker very carefully worded reply to that question was the council has no plans to build homes on or near the land but they coudn't stop a third party from building there and as the council tried and failed to build a housing estate near kent science park (at the moment) it would seem logical for them to try to build them near the school. Another point how do you think they are going to pay for the new school when they admit they haven't got enough money the normal way is by selling land for a third party to build on. So as you can see the reply "we are not building homes" doesn't really meen anything, as its not the council who build them. If the new school goes ahead we will see if the council are being honest, but of course by then its too late.


#40 Re: against this petition

2014-02-03 12:45:34

#26: Choose a nickname - against this petition


Just becuase you would like to live opposite a major school with traffic and 420 plus screaming children does NOT mean that everyone else does. Min legal consultation has been used here in hope that everyone will roll over, well Mr Resident ..they won't. Plans may have been submitted but now the fight really starts. No a petition is not too late . KCC will have to listen. You are either a parent of children at the school or a school governor. Considering the school is a of C of E denomination you are not being very Christian like!!!

No loving your neighbour here!!


#344 Re: against this petition

2014-04-09 20:02:03

#26: Choose a nickname - against this petition

How blinkered young mums and dads can be when it comes to their little darlings, it robs them of all perspective or overview of how life really is. Be careful what you wish for, for one certain thing is that KCC do not care about your offspring directly and are only concerned to fulfil quotas, meet targets and where possible make a quick buck.  If they have found the money for this school ask yourself why at a time when there are still financial constraints.  If this goes through you will not get what you think you are asking for, you wll get a whole lot of what you most certainly were not asking for and you won't like it.