NO Annexing and Rezoning Parcels for Proposed Walmart Strip Mall

Quoted post

Furious and Disgusted

#71 Walmart will bring CRIME - no annexing - no rezoning!!!!!!

2014-01-16 01:06

Having Walmart so close to Swan Meadows will bring CRIME to this and other surrounding peaceful neighborhoods. THIS IS NO PLACE FOR ANOTHER WALMART!!!! How easy can you make it for criminals to break-in and leave the neighborhoods by disappearing, and melding into the crowded parking lot of WALMART! Are you people out of your greedy minds? We don't need another Walmart! We already have TWO that are close by. Why do you greedy people want to systematically destroy the peaceful enjoyment of property owners. This is disgraceful that you have no respect for homeowners and their residences. Residents moved to this area because it is residential - NOT COMMERCIAL. We have enough already! This Walmart invasion is causing me to stop shopping there. How dare you! I'll bet you decision makers/planners don't have Walmart in your back yard. If you did, you would move. You would most certainly vote against this invasion of Walmart, and rezoning. Keep them out of residential neighborhoods - NO ONE wants this except greedy planners who are not victimized by this invasion. Try to respect your tax-paying citizens by allowing residents to live in a safe and peaceful environment - it's a property right! Go find an empty field to put another Walmart - residents of this area don't want it! Have some respect, for God's sake!



#74 Re: Walmart will bring CRIME - no annexing - no rezoning!!!!!!

2014-01-18 04:20:41