Save The Saint Rose Tavern

Quoted post

Nicholas Monk
The author of this petition


2013-11-14 20:43

Let's try to get everyone that signed to leave a memory and comment on this page, it will be given to Amanda this evening to be shown to their landlord tomorrow when they meet. Let's show him all the life's he's affecting. So leave your memory that was made at the tavern. Please nothing mean or hateful towards the owner, Mrs. Patsy and her family have a hard enough fight on their hands let's not complicate anything. Thanks guy's!



#96 Re: keep me in the loop please?

2013-11-15 17:04:08

#86: Nicholas Monk -

I may have some valuable ideas about how we might really help them. If it comes to pass, I will send you my personal contact information. I have been sending the link to this petition to the Lawyer's office e-mail account every day to keep them informed on the community support... but signatures do not put a roof over your head, or pay the bills. :-( Perhaps if it's needed, we can help with that, too.