Petition for the immediate withdrawal of the Licensing Regime

Quoted post



2013-06-02 03:33

Why need to have censorship? What make you think that your moral values are definitely higher than us??


Equally Human

#192 Who do you think you are?

2013-06-06 04:27:03

#59: -  

Everybody is born equal.   What makes you think that you have the right to silence the victims who have been repeatedly robbed and attacked by you for the past 50 yrs???

Who are you???       Blatantly call yourselves "higher mortals" and call those who slog all their lives to build up S'pore to what it is today as "lesser mortals"   -   you might as well call yourselves Gods BUT   CAN    YOU   BE???.     However high you exalt yourselves to be, you will fall to 6 feet under  -  the higher you are the harder the fall will be.