Quoted post

Guest jess smith

#19 Re: NO MORE

2011-03-02 14:44

#10: Gemma Hydes - NO MORE 

 certain scaldies are like pack dogs-they hunt and destroy what is different. these are sad groups and should be ignored. To them we represent freedom to roam. they are controlled and cemented to pack laws where as we are unhindered and joined to mother earth. Don't fear them because it is the only way they are heard. They are born bigots, live in a bigotted world and die in it. Remember your ancestors my Gypsy kin; they knew the secrets of the old truth: and that is why King Henry 8th decreed all Gypsies were enemies of the fearsome God of the pulpit (not the loving father of all the world). That was when the hate began.........


dee dee

#136 Re: Re: NO MORE

2012-06-10 02:36:24

#19: Guest jess smith - Re: NO MORE

dear jess smith,, i am a normal person and NOT from (or with) any romany or traveller background,BUT i have always ADMIRED the travellers way of life, i am 66 yrs old and have supported the community ever since i can remember LET ME SAY THIS TO ALL OF THE racists on facebook,  TAKE A HARD LOOK AT YOUR OWN LIFE  with much thought and honesty THEN compare the morals and traditions of the travelling community,, YES YOU WILL FIND HOW SHALLOW  the way YOU have been living your life,,  FOR MYSELF I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE AS A TRAVELLER,,,,   ANYONE OUT THERE IN THE TRAVELLING COMMUNITY   WILLING TO   ADOPT  A GRANDAD  that has been TREAT WITH UTTER CONTEMPT BY   (NON-TRAVELLER) family    YES   WHEN IVE SPENT ALL OF MY MONEY ON FAMILY AND LEFT MYSELF WITH NOTHING  just a basic life,, WELL THE ROMANY AND TRAVELLER COMMUNITY     ( WOULD LOOK AFTER ME)    THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GYPSY COMMUNITY AND   NON GYPSY COMMUNITY,,,,    I WISH I HAD BEEN BORN INTO THE ROMANY OR TRAVELLER COMMUNITY,   TO ALL WITHIN THE TRAVELLIMG COMMUNITY   "  KEEP FIGHTING  FOR YOUR RIGHTS" and DONT let anyone discriminate against you,,,,    LOVE TO YOU ALL XXXX