Save our Hydrotherapy Pool


/ #4 Hydro pool

2012-11-19 23:58

Over the past few years I have suffered from shoulder dislocations and have been at times unable to drive due to a combination of shoulder instability, pain & strong pain killers. At times I was so sore and uncomfortable that the only time I had relief was in the hydro therapy pool with Nicki. The water temperature and the fact that she is a trained physio therapist allowed me an hour twice a week where I was pain free and comfortable. Whilst spending time in the BGH I met several other people who used the pool on a regular basis and found it a great benefit! If there was no hydro pool and trained staff i wouldn't have had any relief nor would I be able to get to "public pools" further away. Public pools do not have trained medical staff near by in case of an emergency nor do they have the equipment or staff required to carry out in water physio and relaxation Further more why would anyone want to spend there relaxing 1:1 time having hydrotherapy with a pool full off aqua aerobics/lane swimmers/swimming lessons?? Instead of taking it update it!!!