Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay

Heretic Mr_Bean

/ #113 This is another gr8 game that has no support, besides the players.

2011-01-13 00:29

I'm an older player @ 55. I used to play Wolfenstein for years. Years. Then several problems occurred similar to this. So, I went to my 'old' software box and dug SOFII out. I played it through as single player. Pretty dare good. Admittedly, the graphics are a bit soft compared to the new ones. But the multi-player platform draws the best play I have been exposed to.  It's the energy, the pace of play that I'm drawn to. I have the whole gambit of COD. The play doesn't compare. What the heck do we gotta do to keep it going? I hope this helps. As I read earlier in this thread, there is a fellow that put up his own master server. Thank god for that. The problem is, most players will not find it. Sad. He is the one to be applauded as he is trying to preserve the game. He did state that it happens every year. I hope he's right. So, if there is anything to seriously be done, let us all know. We are here to stay. I hope Activision will look at this and realize what they started, and would be willing to keep going. Man, I can get long winded, can't I? LMAO  BTW,  the GOLD version list is still up.  So get with it.