Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album


/ #1749 real or nothing

2010-12-15 01:43

What about that crappy industry??

People on theses videos and songs on this albulm clearly needs to get up, suddenly and say ''hey wu use MJ for making $$'' thats's pretty cool pretending to fallow his dreams, ....OR, they need to show up the reveal of their talents bcause he died...and the voice of MJ tells them to sing those songs or what?

What is it exactly? In which file of Sony? recuperate the bacon$$? Their plan was planned. MJ said to his mom, feeling the industry pressure on shoulders''they want my skin...'' That album is his skin, but without his heart, cause they put so much pressure to MJ for making $...then his heart stopped to beat.

Check it out, in few years, Sony will approach his kids for singing. Of course. The wanted him dead cause his value is a plus,plus,++++++.

I hate them, these people who traffic His name, dear Mickael.
We are alone without you. I prefer hearing goodold songs from you, caus i know they are from your heart beat. And i know that you had dance on them and feel his note of composition. Nightmares are still on this planet, and where you are, i hope you dance and sing with your friends, Fred Astair, James Brown, Marcel Marceau and cie.

Still love 4 you